
Your fBEETS is NEVER staked on VoteHoven, and we have no control over your funds. Your locked fBEETS is always on Beethoven-X's smart contracts, therefore you are not exposed to any extra smart contract risks when using VoteHoven, excluding the following:

  1. If you choose to delegate, you will need to interact with the delegation function on Snapshot's delegation smart contract (Which uses the Gnosis Delegate Registry contract). This contract is being used by some of the biggest protocols in DeFi and thousands of spaces.

  2. Claiming voting rewards via the VoteHoven Merkle smart contract.

Interacting with a smart contract always introduces risks. VoteHoven is experimental software provided "as is", use at your own discretion. ​


Buyers are exposed to smart contract risk by interacting with and depositing their incentive to the smart contract.

The methods of depositing and distributing incentives are very simple. Incentives will be distributed via an updateable merkle contract used by Sushi and others. Contracts are available and verified on FTMScan for review.

Last updated